

According to CBC news on June 18, people concerned about the safety for e-cigarettes. As we all known, smoking is bad for people’s health and can cause lung cancer and heart disease. People tried many ways to quit smoking, one of the methods was using e-cigarettes. As e-cigarettes grow in popularity, some health professionals suggested that e-cigarettes needed to be regulated.

E-cigarettes are battery devices which use a liquid-filled cartridge that contain different flavours such as mint and vanilla. Some e-cigarettes may contain nicotine. This kind of device was not authorized by Health Canada, but some people buy them at online store or flea markets. Health professionals concerned about the safety of the device, the main issues is whether e-cigarettes meet manufacturing and regulatory inspection standards, for example the company should make sure e-cigarettes do not explode and cause burns. If e-cigarettes contain nicotine, they need to be compared with the risk from regular cigarettes.

As I known, some nicotine products can help people quit smoking, such as nicotine patch or gum. Nicotine patch need to be changed every day and it works very well. In my opinion, the best way to stop smoking is people’s motivation. If a person really want to quit smoking, he/she will control himself/herself. If a person does not want to quit smoking, even though what method he/she uses, the results will not be satisfied. We can persuade our family members or friends quitting smoking and we can help them if they need helps.

In conclusion, using scientifically proven methods such as nicotine replacement patches or gums instead of e-cigarettes is good and safe for people’s health.

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