
Terror attack in British

CBC news reported on May 24, a plane which flight from Pakistan to Britain was diverted from its original course. the reason was that two men on that plane planed to attack the flight which could threaten 300 people's lives. one of the passengers stated " two men who had tried to move toward the cockpit during the flight were handcuffed and arrested once the plane landed."

British security department suspected this plane terrorist threat may have relate to British soldier was attacked issue. Few days ago, a British soldier was brutally killed on a London street in a terror attack. this terror attack may relate to the British government and troops in foreign lands.The attackers wanted improve the public attention on religion issues. This young British soldier who was killed in a brutal day time only 25 years old. His wife and family members were very sad. No one believed terror attack had happened in British.

British government should increase security level because these terror attack's methods were easy to copy. Two men only used butcher's knives to kill the soldier in daytime . Moreover, the airplane terrorist threat the other example of life threaten issue. the British government should figure out some ways to prevent similar attacks happen again. One of  the methods may be build a better relationships with Muslim countries. I hope that no one will be hurt during this stress period. We have to save lives and do not hurt people.

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